Hi, I’m Kristiane, a theoretical physicist turned science writer and CERN Communications Officer for the experiments located at the Super Proton Synchrotron, CERN’s second largest accelerator and for some international projects. Here, I edit drafts and write stories for the CERN Experimental Areas Group, the Physics Beyond Collider Initiative and home.cern. If you are more interested about my background and my journey, read more about me here.
Please find a selection of my works below and feel free to browse the other pages if you would like to see more.

Working at the CERN Courier meant a lot of joy and a lot of work – as a physicist, writer, editor, data scientist and social media manager. Being a team of three people – the editor, the student and me – meant a huge responsibility and let me grow.
Please find here an overview about the areas that covered my daily tasks during 2022 and 2023.
Interviewing people is essential for my work. It’s not the subject of my article that matters but it is the person behind the work and what the person is striving for and let his or her eyes shine.
While some interviews are transformed into articles, some have been published as interviews. Sometimes, I also get interviewed, also you can see on the picture here. Read all interviews that have been published in the CERN Courier here.
MesonImmo was a little summer side project during my time at gluoNNet. It helped me not only to improve my programming skills, but also to find a house and to negotiate the price. Read here how.
One of my core tasks to write articles for different outlets. Sometimes, I am allowed to contribute to articles, which are published on the BE-EA and Physics Beyond Colliders pages, on home.cern, in the CERN Bulletin, and many more. Please click on the image if you want to see everything that wrote.
Here are the articles I am the most proud of. The lower one describes the incredible work done at the experiments receiving beam from CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron. The right one is a small history of the CERN Theory department that I had the honour to visit during my doctoral studies.
Click on the images in case you would like to read them.
During my time at gluoNNet, a start-up founded by CERN physicists, I had the pleasure to work on quantum-computing algorithms, which has led to the publications you can find on this page.